High Capacity E-bike Battery (614.4 AH, 48V) | GIN e-bikes
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Introducing the Extra Battery for your GIN X e-bike - the perfect addition to extend your ride time and explore more with ease.


With a powerful 614.4 AH and 48V capacity, this battery is designed with high-quality materials (Teslagrade cells) and technology, ensuring reliable and long-lasting performance. It's easy to install and remove, so you can swap batteries on the go and keep your adventure going without interruption.


The extra battery is perfect for those who:

  • love to take longer rides;
  • go off-road;
  • doing daily deliveries and working for gig economy;
  • explore areas with limited charging facilities.


You'll be able to travel farther, climb steeper hills, and enjoy more of the great outdoors without worrying about running out of power.


Plus, with this extra battery, you'll have peace of mind knowing that you can always extend your ride time when you need it. It's a great investment for anyone who wants to maximize their e-biking experience and make the most out of every adventure.

Battery (614.4 AH, 48V)

425,00£ Звичайна ціна
348,00£За розпродажем
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